Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh, irony...

Define Irony: The reaction to the "Occupy" movement.

Conservatives are big proponents of defense and "support our troops who defend our freedoms," so much so that pouring considerable amounts of money of the budget into national defense is a common practice among conservatives/republicans. One of those freedoms our troops defend, however, is the entire First Amendment, which not only prevents the making of laws that abridge the freedom of speech, but also laws which "interfere with the right to peaceably assemble" and laws that "prohibit the petition for a governmental redress of grievances." In other words, we all have the right to peaceably assemble in order to protest a redress of grievances... to stand up for those things which we believe in the most. 
 Liberals exercise this right (more often than conservatives, it seems), and conservatives get pissed, annoyed, outraged - whatever - and tell those protesters to sit down and shut up... even though, right or wrong in their protest, they have a constitutional right to do so. And those people, conservatives or whoever they may be, have that freedom of speech to say that they think the protesters should shut up. But the point I'm making is... isn't it ironic that, essentially, conservatives are pissed because liberals are simply exercising the rights that conservatives so strongly believe a fight is worth funding?

I guess what I'm saying is, you get whatcha pay for.


  1. Its equally as ironic how the liberals acted when the tea party was protesting. They can protest all they want, but when I am forced to pay for the occupy protests, then I get upset about them.

  2. That's not ironic at all. Liberals weren't "acting out" against the fact that tea partiers were protesting, they were "acting out" against the issues IN WHICH they were protesting. That's a different point altogether. The point I'm making is that everytime I talk to someone against the Occupy Movement, typically they are conservative - which makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that their complaint is that they are protesting at all. It's annoying, it's stupid, liberals are stupid, etc etc etc. THAT is the irony. They are mad that liberals are exercising a right they have, which soldiers fight for everyday... and conservatives, traditionally being proponents of budgeting large amounts for defense spending, are the ones mad people are protesting something. So they are fighting for the rights that allow liberals to protest. The irony you speak of is more like Alanis Morissette-irony.
